Our alumni are our history

As The Children’s Education Center of the Islands begins the celebration of 50 years of nuturing in nature we hope to rebuild more than just the physical things lost during Hurricane Ian in 2022. We hope to help rebuild the school’s written history through the stories of our alumni and families. We have created a form to help collect these stories to be shared over the next year as we reflect on the past 50 years and prepare for the next 50 years.

If you are an alumni, parent of alumni, or a past teacher/staff member please consider filling out the form at the link below. Additionally, if you have any photos from your time at CECI please send them to ceciteachers@gmail.com.

Written History Form

By filling out the form your agree to allow the school to share your stories on our website, social media, and in other public settings. If you have any questions please contact our Executive Director, Michelle Keltner, at cecidirector@gmail.com.