First Post Hurricane Ian CECI Family Gathering

On January 22, 2023, our CECI family gathered together for the first time since Hurricane Ian devastated Sanibel Island and our island preschool. Families met at Estero Community Park for a potluck style gathering. Our amazing teachers Ms. Sherry and Ms. Wanda joined us for play and crafts. Parents had a chance to see each other and process the impact Hurricane Ian had on their lives and families. While the kids had a chance to play and laugh with the CECI family they have been separate from while our campus is closed. It was an afternoon filled with joy, laughter, and healing. We continue to be grateful for this amazing community and family. We will be having another family gathering back on island at Sanibel Community Park on March 11th from 9am to 11am. Ms. Sherry will be there again with crafts. We will provide light snacks and refreshments. Please RSVP to board member and parent Laura Gales at 239-851-4122. See you there!