CECI: An Outdoor Approach to Preschool

In recent times many families are seeking an outdoor approach to learning. Consequently, Sanibel is home to its very own nature-based preschool! The Children’s Education Center of the Islands is a non-profit that was founded 46 years ago for preschool aged children. The Children’s Education Center of the Islands is a nature-based preschool program that incorporates that natural world within an early childhood education program. The purpose of The Children’s Education Center of the Islands is to create a learning environment that teaches an experiential, seasonally focused, emergent, child-centered curriculum. Their compassionate teachers are well-trained to guide each child to learning foundational models and ideas in a developmentally appropriate way. At C.E.C.I, children can form and declare their own learning pathway. Their learning journey is created by their interests and their growth is fostered by implementing educational opportunities in, with, and alongside nature. C.E.C.I. has two main goals: Foster and encourage child development as well as environmental learning and connection. In effect, C.E.C.I. focuses on the social/emotional, physical, cognitive, language development while simultaneously helping children develop a lifelong connection to the natural world.The way their state-approved curriculum approaches learning is best described as immersive, play-based, and place-based. This curriculum is structured so that children are learning through hands-on experiences. Children are often “playing,” in a methodical and intentional manner set by the educator. Lessons do not focus on only one standard at a time. Lessons and experiences mostly focus on all areas of learning at once. This curriculum also focuses on the design of educational environments. Every space has a purpose. At their center, classrooms are purposefully designed to foster all skills of development at an age-appropriate manner. They value every child’s physical, cognitive, social, and emotional need. Their child-led educational approach creates a rich learning environment that offers much time and space for creative expression and individuality. They also recognize the need and dire importance of a nature connection for all humans, not just their students. Currently C.E.C.I. has limited openings in their program. Please visit their website www.childrenseducationcenter.com or call 239-472-4538 for more information on registration. Scholarships are readily available thanks to the Sanctuary Golf Club Foundation.