CECI: A Nature-Based Approach


The Children’s Education Center of the Islands is passionate about teaching their children about foundational skills and nature conservation. Their curriculum is seasonally focused, which means that their children are learning about topics that they can tangibly see and touch in the natural world. This month CECI teachers have focused on topics such as wind and rain. With daily rainfalls and hurricane season in full swing, their children are learning about these forms of weather and making connections to their daily lives. This month CECI also based their curriculum and learning approach on sea turtles. Children counted turtle “eggs,” created sea turtles out of recycled materials, learned new interesting facts about sea turtles, and even created their own sea turtle nest! CECI would like to thank SCCF for providing supplemental information and resources to further extend this project. CECI children used the signage that SCCF uses to mark their “sea turtle nest” on their playground! Connecting children to the natural world so that they may learn foundational skills and become stewards of the Earth is why CECI teaches from a nature-based approach.